Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Personal data processing manager: SIA DRISCILA , Gaujas iela 5A, Līgatne, Cēsu district, Latvia, LV-4110.

Contact information for issues related to personal data processing: , phone +371 22565911 . Using this contact information or contacting our legal address, you can ask questions about the processing of personal data.

* Payment processing is provided by the payment platform ,

* Delivery by OMNIVA, DPD within 2-7 working days.

By using the services of our online store and purchasing goods, you agree to the processing and storage of your personal data.

DRISCILA LTD (hereinafter referred to as "we", "us", "us", "our") undertakes to process your personal data based on the following legal bases for data processing:

  • obtained your consent;
  • For the realization of our legal (legitimate) interests - to realize the obligations existing between us and you, or the concluded contract, or Our legitimate interests arising from the law;
  • for concluding the contract and ensuring its execution;
  • for the fulfillment of the obligations provided for in the legal norms - to fulfill the obligations set forth in the external regulatory acts binding on Us.
  • to ensure the vital interests of the data subject or other natural person - to ensure the physical and property safety of our employees, customers and visitors.
  • "Payment processing is provided by the payment platform [insert platform], therefore our company transfers the personal data necessary for the payment execution to the owner of the platform [insert platform].

We process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and other laws governing the processing and protection of personal data.

We have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data, which ensures the protection of your personal data from accidental disclosure, change or other illegal data processing.

Purposes of personal data processing

We process your name, surname, phone number and e-mail in order to register you in our online store, thereby providing you with the opportunity to receive attractive promotions and services, as well as to offer you other benefits and privileges.

In order to identify you as a buyer and recipient of the goods, issue an invoice, ensure the delivery of the goods and fulfill other obligations resulting from the concluded Agreement, we process your name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, residential address and payment information.

In order to send you business and administrative communication materials, such as confirmation of registration or purchase, a reminder of an incomplete purchase, or detailed information about the delivery of the product, we process your name, surname and e-mail.

In order to provide answers to your questions, fill in the contact section of our website, contact our staff directly by phone or electronically, we process the personal data you voluntarily provide - name, surname, phone number and e-mail address, as well as other information provided. Your personal data will only be used to contact you and respond to your questions, comments or suggestions.

In order to control the quality of customer service, to organize the fulfillment of contractual obligations of the service and to ensure the placing of the product order by telephone, the telephone conversation may be recorded. Conversation records are stored for no longer than 3 months, except in cases where they have been requested by law enforcement authorities or criminal offenses have been detected. This service is provided by a telecommunications service provider with whom we have concluded a cooperation agreement.

In order to send advertising materials based on your interests, discounts or other special offers to which you have given your consent, we process your name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, purchase and website visit history information.

We would like to inform you that consent is not the only basis for us to send you commercial communications. The second part of Article 9 of the Law on Information Society Services also provides for cases when commercial communications can be sent without receiving consent, for example, if an e-mail address is obtained as part of a transaction.

You can opt out of receiving such messages at any time by using the automatic opt-out option provided in the e-mail, by changing the settings in your profile, by deleting the stored cookies, by calling our information line, or by sending an unsubscribe request to e-mail driscila9@ +371 22565911 .

In order to participate in lotteries and contests for goods and services, we process your first name, last name, e-mail and phone number. By expressing your desire to participate in lotteries and contests, you agree to the processing of your personal data.

By applying for our advertised vacancies, by sending an application to our e-mail , you agree to the processing of your CV and personal data specified in the application letter. We will process your data during the selection process for the position you have applied for. If the data processing will take place for other purposes, for example, to inform you about, in our opinion, other suitable vacancies for you, we will inform you before the processing begins and ask for your consent. If the candidate has provided a reviewer, we will also process their contact details so that the feedback provided can be evaluated in the selection process. In the candidate selection process, we may also obtain and process information from recruitment companies.

Reminder of an incomplete purchase

We inform you that we will send a technical support e-mail within 72 hours from the moment when you have not finished completing the purchase in our online store. This is necessary to make sure that you were not affected by technical problems at the time of purchase and to cancel the reservation of the product.

Personal data storage period

We will store your personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the stated processing goals, unless longer storage is determined or permitted by applicable laws and regulations. If the data is processed based on your consent, then the data will be processed as long as your consent is valid and has not been withdrawn.

Transfer of personal data

Upon request, we can transfer your personal data to state and law enforcement authorities in order to defend our legal interests, if necessary, by drafting, submitting and defending legal claims.

Place of personal data processing

We primarily process your personal data in the EU/EEA and your personal data is not sent or processed in a country outside the EU/EEA, except when we process personal data through cookies.


We do not provide services to minors. In the event that we become aware that we have obtained and are processing the data of minors, we will take appropriate steps to delete such personal data.

Your rights regarding the processing of personal data

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the legislation of the Republic of Latvia, you have the right to:

1) access your personal data and receive information about their processing;

2) request correction of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data, or correct them yourself by logging in to your profile;

3) delete your personal data ("be forgotten"), except in cases where the law requires us to keep the data;

4) withdraw previously given consent to data processing;

5) limit the processing of your data - the right to demand that we temporarily stop processing all your personal data;

6) request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transfer this data to another controller (data portability);

7) apply to the Data State Inspectorate.

You can submit a request for the exercise of your rights by filling out the form in person at our office: Gaujas iela 5A, Līgatne, Cēsu district, Latvia, LV-4110

by presenting a personal identification document (passport or ID card), or by sending the request electronically using a secure electronic signature.

We may make changes to the Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice. Amendments come into effect after they are published on the website. It is your responsibility to periodically review this Privacy Policy to ensure that you are familiar with any changes.